Friday, 12 August 2022

A Bold Decision


From time to time I like to cut an interesting words and pictures from the old newspapers, flyers or printed essays (for example a collage poem hanami was created from my old essay about japanese custom).

As time goes by those cuttings will become a part of collage.

And I'm writing all of this because I've created a new one, involving drawings and scraps.


A Bold Decision, collage on cardboard, 13,5 x 19 cm.


A cutting on upper left: 

A bold decision meets with rejection

A cutting on lower left: 

in the toughest moments

A cutting on the right side: 

seriously one would go berserk

On a cardboard (which was a leftover after certain biscuits' box) I drew 2 silhouettes which resembles mannequins and there's an interaction between them. The left one seems to firmly rejects the other one's words.

On the right side of the collage there's a reproduction which I've cut out from the old schoolbook. It shows Wojciech Weiss's painting - the Melancholic (painted in 1898, belongs to the collection of the National Museum in Cracow). Weiss (polish painter who lived in the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries) depicted a young, thoughtful man. 

All those ingredients created a vision of a man reminiscing certain, upsetting event.

What do you think about a collage A Bold Decision?

Do you like creating collages?

Let me know in comments section.

✄ Have a Nice Day! 

1 comment:

  1. Rety. Mój mózg zrobił ciche puff. :) Bo te sylwetki przywodzą mi na myśl twórczość Beksińskiego. A dodanie wycinku z dzieła Weissa robi całość jeszcze bardziej tajemniczą, zagadkową. Bardzo zacna całość. :)

    Kapitan Baryłka


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