Wednesday, 19 June 2024

4 in 4: Downpour


Here comes the 19th comic strip from the series "the Four Seasons in Four Frames", which could be also known as 4 in 4.

This time the protagonist is Spring.


Sudden change of weather, and one may wonder what Spring has to do with it...

As always translation of bubbles you will find below the comic strip.



STRIP: In this moment


BROWN-HAIRED WOMAN: What a downpour!

BLACK-HAIRED WOMAN: Let's hide somewhere!


SPRING: I wonder how many people like the scent of the soil following the rain...

In this comic strip I wanted to refer to crazy weather changes during the Spring. There are even proverbs concerning those changes in particular months. For example there's the Polish one - W marcu jak w garncu. The literal translation would sound like: In the March it is like in the pot (because in the pot you can mix various ingredients). 

Furthermore, my other inspiration for this comic strip was petrichor - a characteristic scent which is smellable in the air after raindrops hit the soil. Btw, almost 3 years ago I wrote a poem inspired by petrichor, and in the following year I created "The Poetic Graphic" for poem translated into English (if you're interested in my poem, just click HERE).

The full version of 19th comic strip is available below.

4 in 4: Downpour, no. 19, crayons and pens on paper.

That's all.

What do You think about 4 in 4: Downpour?

Let me know in the comments.

Have a Nice Day!

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