Saturday 24 December 2016


Wintertime, crayons on paper, 23-24.12.2016


Well, you probably saw Winter finally, so you would noticed that I've changed my mind... but only about hairstyle. Thanks to this change icicles are more visible. I'm not a fan of "the Game of Thrones" so you won't see a title like "Winter is coming" [although I like Sean Bean]. :-D 

On the left side of my drawing, you'll see two shepherds. A Star is their road-sign to Bethlehem where the King was born.
A Winter's bag have got an inscription: MISSION: CHRISTMAS EVE 2016.

I wish you a lot of Happiness, Love and Peace;
a strength to fight with your own barriers
and fulfilling your dreams;
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017!

~ Luffina

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