Sunday, 20 June 2021

4 in 4: the Greeting of the Spring


Here comes the seventh comic strip from the series "the Four Seasons in Four Frames". Today the main character will be Spring.


Spring was casually trying to break the fourth wall out of boredom when she noticed a small commotion on a nearby bridge. There she sees children who are throwing Marzanna into the water in order to celebrate the beginning of the Spring...

Below the comic you will find a translation of bubbles.


Second Frame:

Children: And one, and two,... and three!

Third Frame:

Children: Beat it, Winter!

Welcome Spring!

Fourth Frame:

Spring: This greeting is rather peculiar... Winter will get upset.

Below there is the Greeting of the Spring in full.

4 in 4: the Greeting of the Spring, no. 7, crayons and pen on paper.

The main inspiration for this comic strip was an old Polish custom. It happens around the First Day of the Spring and consists in drowning a straw effigy in a fancy outfit. Mentioned effigy's name is Marzanna. This name came from a Slavic Goddess associated with death and rebirth of nature. Her death signifies the end of the Winter.

This time I seriously considered making a crossover comic strip in which Spring and Winter witness drowning of Marzanna... Who knows... Maybe something like that will happen in future comic strips.

Did you find this comic strip interesting?

Feel free to share your opinions, ideas and visions concerning the Four Seasons in comments section.

Have a Nice Day! 🌈

Edited: 26 II 2022.

1 comment:

  1. Bardzo fajne, a będą zilustrowane inne obyczaje?


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