Wednesday, 31 August 2022

a Dragon - part 1


One day I thought that it would be splendid to draw a dragon which doesn't look sillily. This desire was inspired by manga One Piece, and a sculpture of chinese dragon I saw in one of the polish museums. 

So, my aim became a dragon.

This picture shows a Far Eastern Asian Dragon flying above the waterfall.
In this waterfall there are carps koi. This sketch was inspired by the legend about
the Golden Dragon.

Originally, I wanted to create a picture of a dragon known from the Far Eastern Asia's culture. But, in process of time I've changed my mind (but definitely I'll draw the Far Eastern Asian Dragon some other time). 

I gravitated to the idea of a visions of dragons known from the Western culture. 

Sketch shows dragons in various postures. Beware, there are silly ones.

 In order to find an inspiration for an appearance of my dragon I was browsing a book concerning reptiles. In this book I noticed a photo of a very fascinating lizard - the Thorny Devil (in Poland known as "Moloch straszliwy" and I think it's beautiful). The mentioned lizard lives on australian deserts, and is marked by lots of thorns (and fake head in order to confuse predators).

Sketch shows a dragon who's skin is covered by thorns.
Here it doesn't have wings.

I wanted to find a magnificent posture for my dragon, which would also show its wings.
The small sketch you can see below shows a final vision of this magnificent posture.

I've got to show in some way

In this moment I took a new paper and a brown crayon.

And I started drawing my dragon.

Below you can see two phases of a drawing.

As you noticed a dragon is standing on a rock in all its glory.

But it is not the end of creating a dragon.

He will definitely gain more thorns and colours.

See you soon.



  1. Lubię oglądać etapy powstawania pracy, a smoka niełatwo dobrze narysować...

  2. Ciekawy wpis. Też lubię dowiedzieć się jak od strony technicznej wygląda stworzenie jakiegoś obrazu/rysunku. Zwłaszcza, że sam jestem na etapie przedszkolnym jeśli o sztukę wizualną chodzi. :D W sensie tworzenia, bo odbieram większość dzieł całkiem dobrze (może poza niektórymi tworami sztuki nowoczesnej).



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