Monday, 19 September 2022

4 in 4: the Perseids


Here comes the 12th comic strip from series "the Four Seasons in Four Frames", which is also known as "4 in 4".

This time the plot focuses on Summer.


In the deep night Summer is hanging out with a very curious fox. 

Both of them seemed to be mesmerised by the Perseids. 

As always the translation of the text in the bubbles is available below the comic strip.


First Frame

Summer: Another one! Today we've got sheer meteor shower!

Second Frame

Summer: Happily, there's no full moon today so the perseids are more viewable.

Fourth Frame

Summer: Heh! You can hunt in a pretty funny way.

The Perseids are a phenomenon which quickly appears in my mind when I think about Summer nights. Naturally, I wanted to show Summer looking out for the shooting stars, and I was thinking pretty long how should it be portray. One of ideas included Summer joining to couple who were watching the perseids, too.

I add a fox to this story because lately I was fascinated by the way those amazing creatures hunt. I've found a short film on YouTube channel Discovery which shows their way of hunt.

Below you can see the Perseids in full.

4 in 4: the Perseids, no. 12, crayons and pens on paper.

That's all.

Feel free to share your opinions or ideas concerning the Four Seasons in comments section.

🌟 Have a Nice Day! 🌠

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