Thursday 21 December 2023

4 in 4: Pumpkin patch


Here comes the 17th comic strip of the series the Four Seasons in Four Frames, in short 4 in 4

This time the protagonist of the story is Autumn.


Autumn admires her pumpkin patch, and she's not the only admirer...

As always you will find the translation of bubbles below the comic strip.



Autumn: This year they grew up quite good...


Autumn: Nutritious soups and pies will be made from them. I see Halloween potential, too...


Autumn: I understand this pumpkin is yours, isn't it?

This time a pumpkin became the main theme of this story. When you think about Autumn, pumpkin is one of the things which come to your mind immediately. There is a potential for delicious pies, cakes, cookies, soups, and also for Halloween purposes. 

Except for Autumn looking proudly at her pumpkins there's also Wrzos, Autumn's cat. Wrzos seems to be pretty interested in pumpkin's leaves.

Below you can look at Pumpkin patch in full.

4 in 4: Pumpkin patch, no. 17, crayons and pens on paper.

That's all.

Feel free to share with your opinions in comments' below.

Have a Nice Day! 🎃

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