Sunday, 8 December 2019

4 in 4: the Autumn leaves


   Today I'm announcing a cycle which is connected with Seasons' personifications I've designed. Its title is "4 in 4". I shortened this name because I wanted to create a good logo for series. Actually a full title is "the Four Seasons in Four Frames"

    Although winter is coming, I wanted to make this first strip about Autumn. I've decided to publish each and every comic strips from '4 in 4' during actual Season. So for one year you should expect four comic strips. Now's Autumn turn, so the next comic strip will be concerned with the Winter.

   I wrote dialogue in bubbles in polish language but please don't worry. I made the translation in english which is available beneath the comic strip.

    I hope you'll enjoy '4 in 4'. If you want you could wrote your suggestions about 4 Seasons in comments.

1st Frame:

Girl: Hello! What's up?
Boy: Oh, hey! Nothing but trouble, and also - those leaves make me sick!

2nd Frame:

Boy: What's so special about them, different colours, straight up? They fall and one should sweep them up, and if they're wet, it's impossible to walk on them...
Girl: Geez! You will always find a reason to complain...

4th Frame:

Girl: Buahaha! You're looking so much better! Please, don't remove such a beautiful moustache.

And here is the Autumn Leaves in full.

4 in 4: the Autumn leaves, no. 1, crayons and pens on a cardboard, 35 x 12,7 cm.

Have a Nice Day!

Edited: 12 II 2022.

1 comment:

  1. Sporo w tym komiksie humoru mistrza Ody wyczuwam. :) Podoba mi się to jak łączysz taki nieco mangowy styl z czymś bardziej europejskim. Naprawdę całość jest mega dopracowana i właściwie z każdym kolejnym podejściem zauważam nowe detale (jak np. napis informujący o nazwie cyklu w formie stylizowanych cyfr). Pewnie długo całość rysowałaś, dla mnie to są zupełne wyżyny, bo jak pewnie wspominałem mój szczyt możliwości plastycznych to abstrakcja. :D I dlatego należy się szacunek za to. :)



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