Saturday, 30 April 2022

strange phenomenons


Well, I made an another surreal graphic which is based on a photo showing the trees. 

Nature can be so inspiring! 

A photo in question is visible below.

Photo shows a certain park. I've took it in Autumn 2015.

And here, look below at the result of my experiments.

Saturday, 16 April 2022

impressive sunset


Few days ago I was baking a mazurek (traditional cake for Easter), and I simply looked through the window. Once again I was strongly impressed by colours of the sunset. This time it was splendid combination of violet and yellow hidden behind the trees on the horizon.

Those colours and trees inspired me to transfer my impressions on a cardboard with oil pastels.

Here's result of my work.

impressive sunset, oil pastels on a cardboard, 20,8 x 14,9 cm.

My Dear Followers,

here comes the Easter,

and I wish You All the Best!



Friday, 1 April 2022

Escapism of a lady with a kiseru


Do you remember a lady in the cloud of smoke

Once again, I draw a lady wearing kimono who is holding a kiseru.

However she is different.

Besides obvious differences you could also notice usage of a frottage.

escaping, crayons on a brown paper, 18,3 x 11,8 cm.