Saturday, 31 December 2016

A Rainbow in the Mountains

A Mountain landscape with a Rainbow, pastel on paper, 30.12.2016.


In this last day of 2016 I decided to show a pastel. This landscape was based on photo in one magazine.

Saturday, 24 December 2016


Wintertime, crayons on paper, 23-24.12.2016


Well, you probably saw Winter finally, so you would noticed that I've changed my mind... but only about hairstyle. Thanks to this change icicles are more visible. I'm not a fan of "the Game of Thrones" so you won't see a title like "Winter is coming" [although I like Sean Bean]. :-D 

On the left side of my drawing, you'll see two shepherds. A Star is their road-sign to Bethlehem where the King was born.
A Winter's bag have got an inscription: MISSION: CHRISTMAS EVE 2016.

I wish you a lot of Happiness, Love and Peace;
a strength to fight with your own barriers
and fulfilling your dreams;
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017!

~ Luffina

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Autumn... Again :-)


Autumn's Reverie, 20,9 x 29,3 cm.

This idea of Autumn is similar to my pastel. Drawing looks like a next part of this story.

Monday, 31 October 2016

A view from the Tatra mountains


Rohacze, Łopata and Wołowiec, pastel on paper, 20,3 x 25,7 cm

Do you remember my first aim about a view from the Tatra mountains? I can't remember where I left my sketch. So I decided to draw another view from those mountains. My pastel was based on a beautiful photography from the book about the Tatra Mountains.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Eva Cassidy's portrait


Eva Cassidy's portrait, pastel on cardboard, 25,3 x 19,8 cm, 13-14.10.2016

I hope that your day was amazing and full of beautiful smiles. Once I decided to portraited Eva Cassidy. I chose her because I loved how she was singing. I found a picture in the Internet as a base to her portrait. Unfortunately I printed this picture. Unfortunately - because picture was (a bit) cut.

Monday, 10 October 2016

A Spring is awakening

Obviously not now (Autumn is now).
I only wanted to draw a personification of Spring like I earlier draw Summer and Winter.


A Spring, drawing, 21 x 29,1 cm, 7-9.10.2016

I've drawn already a sketch of red-haired Spring. There are a few small differences. For example, in dress. In wreath I drew recognizable flowers: Bellis perennis, Trifolium pratense, Alopecurus pratensis, Primula elatior, Campanula patula, Myosotis palustris, Viola riviniana, Ficaria verna and Oxalis acetosella (flowers were drawn thanks to one book: Pospolite rośliny środkowej Europy, Warszawa 1990).
I decided to show a Spring as an yawning woman... because of her awakening.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Man, don't get annoyed :-)


Well, a title could sound very strange... Especially, for me. In Poland we call this game: "Chińczyk" or "Gra w chińczyka". On the Wikipedia I read that "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" could be translated as "Man, don't get annoyed". It is really strange.

Now I'm writing about this because I wanted to publish there my drawing - an illustration for one article about games. I entitled my drawing in polish because of sentiment to this game.

I rarely draw men. Maybe I should change it... 

You may be mistaken by blue and yellow colours. In fact, their blouses don't signify a colour of their pawns (girl's pawns are blue).

Gra w chińczyka, "WUJ", no. 4, January 2016.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Chalcosoma Atlas


I made this drawing because of commission: a drawing to article about beetles.

 I decided to draw a beetle in a realistic way.

  In one book about insects I found a beetle named Chalcosoma Atlas

   Oh, and it was very pretty :-)

    For some reason, I was proud of my work so I didn't colour it.

Chalcosoma Atlas, published in "WUJ", no. 5, march 2016.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, 28 August 2016

A Green-haired Woman


In the last days of August, I suddenly drew a lady. Yes, suddenly... When I woke up today, I didn't expect that in the evening I'll draw her... A Green-haired Woman.

My next step was using crayons. And her beautiful curly hair became green... Could this be an influence of a long interest in Manga? 

Who knows... :-)

If you were me, which colours would you choose?

Monday, 1 August 2016



Do you remember a post about sketch with Girl under an Umbrella?

I still wanted to draw umbrelLady... So I made it from 30 to 31 July (and gave to Somebody ;-).

When I finished using a pencil, I tried my new black pens... and I should admit that I was a little crazy when I was drawing ornaments on skirt and umbrella or another details. :-)

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Winter finally


Winter finally, drawing, 26-27.07.2016

Meet Miss Winter. This blue-eyed, adorable girl has long, straight, blonde hair... but... ends of her hair are resulted by ice. This thing sometimes makes her annoyed.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Galadriel - at last!

Wisp of Galadriel's hair, drawing


I don't know why I didn't admit that I had finished 'Project: Galadriel'... during Easter.
Am I absent-minded or something? 
Probably, but I was only enjoying a festival.
Well, I finished it by filling a background blue crayons.


I chose new aim:

a still nature

Monday, 11 July 2016

What I've done with one sketch...


Someday, I drew an idea which I liked very much. It presented an elegant girl, smiling during the rain.

version no. 1

At the beginning of July- I wanted to draw this one more time - on a bigger sheet of paper. So, I started drawing but... it (call it: version no. 2) wasn't good... I still think that official version of this idea will never be greater from the first disegno.
Today, I decided to draw this idea on another sheet of paper (version no. 3) but I also wanted to make something anti-artistical. What I've done?
I took version no. 2 and I filled a picture by crayons. I made even a frottage thanks to one small coin. Next, I searched for newspaper to cut some accidental words for collage... Before I put pastels in very expressive way, I draw girl a moustache (it's strange but I was always doing this women magazines).
... When I come to the bathroom to wash my hands, I've got an another idea. I put my wet hands on my 'work of art'. 

It could sound strangely but it was an interesting way for relax :-)

Version no. 2 became... something without title

Saturday, 11 June 2016

'lost somewhere' and my thoughts

lost somewhere, drawing, crayons


Shortly, I'll say about drawing this tall lady, standing in red dress, combing her long black hair in indefinite space. That drawing was made because of my strange tendency to drawing women. Really, I like drawing them... especially, their hair. 

Thursday, 2 June 2016

'A Summer'

A summer, crayons


Long time no see :-D

When I was wondering how should personification of summer look like? Well, I imagined that every personification should be special... In that case, autumn (in reverie) has got a straight, long brown hair and dress decorated by colorful leaves. Spring has got a long, curly red hair, freckles and a green dress with a floral pattern.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

'Autumn is coming'

'Autumn is coming', pastel.


I forgot when I create this but I still remember why I drew this pastel... because of somebody important for me :-)
In this pastel, you could see my idea of personification of Autumn in fabulous dress decorated by colorful leaves (this idea you could also see THERE!). 
A silent park in autumn with nice bridge... I was inspirated by one photograph in small book with aphorisms.

... that's all.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

The expectation of shooting stars

The Expectation of Shooting stars, pastel on a cardboard, 14 x 19,7 cm


Long time no see :-)

Suddenly, I wanted to realise one small project which I doodled in one of my notebooks. This picture happened thanks to my fascination with Moai sculptures from Rapa Nui (which is known as the Easter Island).

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Galadriel- an adventure is more colorful!


I would like to return to my drawing of Galadriel after a short break. Now I'm (slowly) going to come to an end this drawing.
Do you see a short person in the right lower corner? Yup, this is Gimli. Ultimately, I drew him there (lately, I wasn't sure where I should 'install' him)... because of a Galadriel's hair motif :-)

Next, I used a colours. I started with a skin and a hair of our protagonists.