Work called roses which you can see below was prepared with intention of using it as a background for get-well card for someone.
The net result I obtained made me think about roses so that's the genesis of this work's title.
roses, graphic. |
A story about this abstract graphic could've ended in this moment.
Then I felt a sudden urge to experiment with roses.
And I got carried away with experimentation.
Eventually, I managed to make 8 colourful graphics which reminded me of rainbow.
Each of them received a numerical name because it seemed sensible to me.
This minor series of rainbow abstract graphics probably needs a title like "Small Rainbow Project".
A few of them make me think about mosaics (especially works 0103, 0104, and 0107).
0101, graphic. |
0102, graphic. |
0103, graphic. |
0104, graphic. |
0105, graphic. |
0106, graphic. |
0107, graphic. |
0108, graphic. |
That's all.
What do You think about graphics which I showed in this post?
Do You have the favourite one among them?
Please, share your thoughts in comments.
Have a Nice Day! 🌈
Wszystkie wersje są ciekawe, niektóre jako wzór tkaniny, inne jako papeteria:-)