Saturday, 24 February 2024

Mermaid's charm


Welcome back mermaids! It's been so long. 

The last one work with mermaids I've published here was blue mermaid. Amazingly enough, there's a similarity between blue mermaid and Mermaid's charm (that's how I called new mermaid art). The posture of mermaids is alike.

This is Mermaid's charm.

Mermaid's charm, watercolour crayons on a watercolour paper, 14,8 x 21 cm.

The story behind the new mermaid art is quite funny. I bought new crayons - watercolour crayons, and I wanted to try them. 

So I started thinking: What should I draw? Soon afterwards I understood that it would be cool to create a mermaid. Still not sure why mermaids seem to be such an interesting subject for me to draw. I sometimes think it has something to do with The Little Mermaid (1989) being one of my favourite films from childhood, who knows... 

Firstly I drew mermaid on a watercolour paper. Btw, it's not the first work I made on this kind of paper, if you're interested you can look at horse of four colours.

Secondly I used said watercolour crayons. It satisfied me pretty much.

Mermaid is surrounded by mysterious wavy lines. Let it be a form of her magic abilities.

That's all.

What do You think about Mermaid's charm?

Let me know in the comments below.

Have a Nice Day! 🐠


  1. Bardzo zalotna ta syrenka.
    Podobno powstała moda na pływanie w stroju i stylu syrenim.

  2. Rysunek robi wrażenie. Połączyłaś nieco (w moim odczuciu) elementy nieco Disneya z jakimś dalekim echem anime nawet.



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