Sunday, 31 October 2021

Bacchanalia in five graphics


On certain rainy day I happened to be in Łazienki Park in Warsaw. In my opinion this is one of the most beautiful places in this city. There I noticed an interesting sculpture and took a photo. 

You can look at the mentioned photograph below.

Bacchante holding a cluster of grapes, photo taken in 2016. 
In my headcanon a pigeon which is sitting on Satyr's head 
wants to join to Bacchanalia...

I decided to experiment a bit with this photograph because there was a lot of potential. So I created a few graphics. 

Please, give them attention.

Bacchanalia in broad daylight, no. 1, graphic.

Bacchanalia in blueness, no. 2, graphic.

Bacchanalia in greyness, no. 3, graphic.

Bacchanalia so sunny in the grass, no. 4, graphic.

Bacchanalia in the sunset, no. 5, graphic.

Which one do you prefer? 

Please, leave your opinion in comments section.

Have a Nice Day! 🍇


  1. Bardzo ciekawie eksperymentujesz ze zdjęciami:-)
    Kolejne wersje ciekawsze od oryginału:-)

  2. Całość eksperymentu kojarzy mi się nieco z działaniami Francisa Becona, zwłaszcza z portretem papieża Innocentego X. Najciekawsza jest wersja druga i ostatnia.

    Kapitan Baryłka.


Thank you very much for your opinion!
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