Monday, 31 October 2016

A view from the Tatra mountains


Rohacze, Łopata and Wołowiec, pastel on paper, 20,3 x 25,7 cm

Do you remember my first aim about a view from the Tatra mountains? I can't remember where I left my sketch. So I decided to draw another view from those mountains. My pastel was based on a beautiful photography from the book about the Tatra Mountains.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Eva Cassidy's portrait


Eva Cassidy's portrait, pastel on cardboard, 25,3 x 19,8 cm, 13-14.10.2016

I hope that your day was amazing and full of beautiful smiles. Once I decided to portraited Eva Cassidy. I chose her because I loved how she was singing. I found a picture in the Internet as a base to her portrait. Unfortunately I printed this picture. Unfortunately - because picture was (a bit) cut.

Monday, 10 October 2016

A Spring is awakening

Obviously not now (Autumn is now).
I only wanted to draw a personification of Spring like I earlier draw Summer and Winter.


A Spring, drawing, 21 x 29,1 cm, 7-9.10.2016

I've drawn already a sketch of red-haired Spring. There are a few small differences. For example, in dress. In wreath I drew recognizable flowers: Bellis perennis, Trifolium pratense, Alopecurus pratensis, Primula elatior, Campanula patula, Myosotis palustris, Viola riviniana, Ficaria verna and Oxalis acetosella (flowers were drawn thanks to one book: Pospolite rośliny środkowej Europy, Warszawa 1990).
I decided to show a Spring as an yawning woman... because of her awakening.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Man, don't get annoyed :-)


Well, a title could sound very strange... Especially, for me. In Poland we call this game: "Chińczyk" or "Gra w chińczyka". On the Wikipedia I read that "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" could be translated as "Man, don't get annoyed". It is really strange.

Now I'm writing about this because I wanted to publish there my drawing - an illustration for one article about games. I entitled my drawing in polish because of sentiment to this game.

I rarely draw men. Maybe I should change it... 

You may be mistaken by blue and yellow colours. In fact, their blouses don't signify a colour of their pawns (girl's pawns are blue).

Gra w chińczyka, "WUJ", no. 4, January 2016.