Tuesday 10 September 2024

dreaming in the meadow


Lately I was working on a drawing showing two sitting ladies leaning against their backs. I felt an urge to draw them because of a certain photo which I found in thin book with aphorisms (there are quotes like "Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study." by sir Francis Bacon).

In the upper part of this photo you can notice a photo in the mentioned book. When I looked at this photo I thought it would be fun to create a picture with two figures sitting like that. But show them in a different way, in a dreamy setting.

In this same photo below the open book there's a paper with a drawing in an early phase. There's a lady with a wreath who's lifting her leg in the air. She's leaning against a person who's reading (this person's holding a book but it's poorly visual here).

When it comes to dreamy setting I draw ladies in a meadow full of colorful flowers, and in the background I draw mountains.

Below you can see the net result of my work.

dreaming in the meadow, crayons on a paper, 21 x 14,8 cm.

I've called my picture dreaming in the meadow. Is lady with wreath real or a figment of reader's imagination, one may wonder.

That's all.

Let me know in the comments what do You think about dreaming in the meadow.

Have a Nice Day! 📖

1 comment:

  1. Świetnie poradziłaś sobie ze zdjęciową inspiracją, bardzo podoba mi się gotowy obraz, daje pole dla wyobraźni, no i te kwiaty....


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