Sunday, 30 July 2023

Oh my dear, isn't it deer?


Recently I drew a deer. What inspired me to do this was a story of my cousin who saw this majestic animal in the forest. 

A backup for me was a photography found on Shutterstock.

Below you can look at net result.

Deer, pen on a paper, 29,5 x 21 cm.

At first I wanted to use not only black pen but also brown one. Soon I changed my mind and used only black pen.

Below you will find phases of drawing.

Sorry for quality of photo.

That's everything.

What do You think about Deer?

Let me know in the comments.

Have a Nice Day! 


  1. Efekt końcowy robi wrażenie. Jakoś kojarzy mi się z drzeworytami z mniej więcej XVI-XVII wieku.

    Mozaika Rzeczywistości.


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