Sunday, 16 January 2022


 Hello in the New Year!

In this very beginning of the year I would like to briefly summarise my activity in 2021.

Let's go!

  • This year I published 24 posts on this blog, and it's a new record. 
  • I made small changes on the blog. One of them happened at the end of the right sidebar, and it was called: a-r-thoughts.
  • I've accomplished 2 aims from my list this year. I'm glad that I draw the portrait of Hikaru Masai, and "pastelled" a portrayal of a Samurai. Now the new aims became: the Portrayal of  Pandora, and a dragon. I hope that this year I'll be able to create an illustration to Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 too.

Works 2021, gif. This gif shows a details from my works.