Monday, 31 May 2021

dancing trees


   Two years ago I was walking through the forest. There I took a glance at amazing trees because they came off as their trunks were dancing.

It's the very same photography which you are able to see on the right sidebar.

     So I started experimenting with this photo in order to create some kind of a surreal dimension (like it was in case of attempt to embrace). Additionally I mixed this photo with a different graphic but unfortunately I cannot recall which one was that...

     Below you can see the final effect of my experiments.

dancing trees, graphic.

That's all for today.

How do you perceive my graphic? 

Please let me know about your ideas in comments section.

Have a Nice Day! 🌱

1 comment:

  1. Ciekawy efekt, a początkiem było niby zwyczajne zdjęcie...


Thank you very much for your opinion!
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