Saturday, 30 September 2017

Siren Song


     In the last day of September I published a drawing inspired by Yuki Kajiura's composition - "Siren song" (Tsubasa Chronicle OST). And I'm sorry for a quality of photo - in fact colours of the drawing are more saturated. Mermaids are connected with water so I decided to draw them in shades of blue and green. 
       Oh, and there's one thing - you probably wouldn't see this. A mermaid from the left lower corner is a small reference to Girl with a Pearl Earring made by Johannes Vermeer. That's all :-D 

Siren Song (Mermaids), crayons on paper, 29,5 x 20,8 cm, 29-30.09.2017.

I hope you'll enjoy my work.

Have a nice day! 

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

A Jay


This is a sketch of a Jay. Once I made this drawing based on a photography of this interesting bird. And still don't know why I choose a green colour to express a silhouette of a Jay. 

A Jay, sketch made by green crayon on paper.

Have a Nice Day! :-)

Thursday, 7 September 2017

A Still Nature - my aim


I decided to finish my aim quickly. I'm writing about a Still Nature. Once I saw three fruits: plums, grapes and tomatoes on a plate I wanted to draw a still nature. I was fascinated with their colours and layout. As a result I took a photo which was a very good decision.

And this is a pastel which was based on this photo.

A Still Nature with Plums, Grapes and Tomatoes, pastel on cardboard, 21,4 x 23 cm.

Well... as you see I still must practise.

Have a Nice Day!

Oh... I almost forgot... My new aim is portrait of Keiko Kubota (Kalafina, FictionJunction) in the same manner as Wakana.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017



Calendulas, pastel on paper, 21x14,5 cm.

Similarly to Dianthuses, this pastel was a gift for someone special too. Title is a latin version of 'marigolds'. I think that Calendulas sounds much better for a title of this pastel.
For today, that's all. I - also - wish that I'll finish a still nature - my pretty old aim - pretty soon.