Saturday, 29 July 2017

Portrait of Wakana


     This is no secret that I like to listen japanese music - especially, Yuki Kajiura's compositions. In few of her projects like FictionJunction or Kalafina amazing vocalists are participated. And for last week I was drawing one of them - Wakana Ootaki.

Wakana, crayons on paper, 12 x 20,5 cm
(1st part of cycle: Kalafina & FictionJunction).

     I was inspired by one amazing photo of singer. But I thought that my drawing would be more interesting if I would add titles of the most beautiful songs (in my opinion) of Wakana. Now I think that every song on black background I should have written in yellow; I wanted to distinguished songs of Kalafina and FJ by colours: Kalafina by white and FJ by yellow. Unfortunately, white wasn't enough visual after using a black crayon... so I found a fallback from this situation...

A detail :-)

1 comment:

  1. Podoba mi się takie podejście do rysowania/malowania. Osobiście umieściłbym te tytuły w większej ilości w tle, choć i tak całość wyszła Ci bardzo przyjemna w odbiorze. I co najważniejsze, nie byłbym w stanie Cię przebić, bo z rysunku jestem noga. :)



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